import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import loadmat
from scipy.ndimage import label
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import mne
import numpy as np
import mne
from mne.channels import make_standard_montage
from mne import create_info
from mne.viz import plot_topomap
def EEG_ERP():
EEG basic visualization
- Event related potential (ERP)
- Topography
**Event related potential (ERP):**
Is simply the mean value of the different trials
Example of ERP for one channel:
.. image:: _static/images/EEG_ERP.png
Example of ERP for all channel using MNE library: It give directly additional information on topography
.. image:: _static/images/EEG_ERP_MNE.png
.. image:: _static/images/EEG_ERP_topography.png
# Charger les données EEG
EEG = loadmat(r"SignalProcessing_on_neural_data\uANTS_intro_MATLABfiles\sampleEEGdata.mat")
data = EEG['EEG']['data'][0][0]
chanlocs = EEG['EEG']['chanlocs'][0][0][0]
times = EEG['EEG']['times'][0][0][0]
srate = EEG['EEG']['srate']
ntrials = EEG['EEG']['trials']
chan_name_arr = np.array([channel[0] for channel in chanlocs["labels"]])
x = [channel[0][0] for channel in chanlocs["X"]]
y = [channel[0][0] for channel in chanlocs["Y"]]
z = [channel[0][0] for channel in chanlocs["Z"]]
position = np.vstack([x, y, z]).T
data.shape #(64, 640, 99) electrode, timepoints, trial
data = transposed_array = np.transpose(data, (2, 0, 1))
data.shape #(99, 64, 640 )trial, electrode, timepoints
# Calculer l'ERP de chaque canal
erp = np.mean(data, axis=0)
# Tracer l'ERP pour un canal spécifique
chan2plot = 'FCz'
chan_index = np.where(chan_name_arr == chan2plot)[0]
if len(chan_index)>0:
chan_index = chan_index[0]
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
plt.plot(times, erp[chan_index, :], linewidth=2)
plt.xlabel('Temps (ms)')
plt.ylabel('Activité (\muV)')
plt.xlim([-400, 1200])
# Tracer les cartes topographiques
time2plot = 300 # en ms
tidx = np.argmin(np.abs(times - time2plot))
info = mne.create_info(ch_names=list(chan_name_arr), sfreq=srate, ch_types='eeg')
evoked_array = mne.EvokedArray(erp, info)
evoked_array._set_channel_positions(position, chan_name_arr)
#plot the ERP of every channel
#plot the ERP topography
# times = np.arange(0.01, 0.05, 0.1)
# evoked_array.plot_topomap(times)
epoch = mne.EpochsArray(data[:,:,:], info)
fig, ax = plot_topomap(data, pos=info, names=info.ch_names)
# # Afficher la figure
# mne.viz.tight_layout()
n_sensor = 10
n_trial = 5
# npoints = 100000
fs = 1000
t = np.arange(0, 2, 1/fs)
npoints = len(t)
# t = np.linspace(0, 100, npoints)
f_high = 500
f_low = 100
data = np.random.rand(10, npoints)
data = np.random.rand(5, 10, npoints)
for i in range(0, n_sensor):
for j in range(0, n_trial):
sig_high = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t * f_high * np.random.rand(npoints))*0.1
sig_medium = abs(np.sin(2 * np.pi * t * f_low)*(np.random.rand(npoints)>0.9)*1)
data[j, i,:] = sig_high + sig_medium
data[j, i,:] /= max(abs(data[j, i,:]))
# Créer un objet d'info fictif pour décrire les propriétés des capteurs
info = mne.create_info(ch_names=['sensor_{}'.format(i) for i in range(10)],
sfreq=fs, ch_types='eeg')
# Créer un objet mne.EpochsArray en utilisant les données, l'info et les événements (peut être vide)
epochs = mne.EpochsArray(data, info)
epochs.plot( show_scrollbars=False, events=True)
n_channels = 32
sampling_freq = 200
times = np.linspace(0, 1, sampling_freq, endpoint=False)
sine = np.sin(20 * np.pi * times)
cosine = np.cos(10 * np.pi * times)
data = np.array([sine, cosine])
info = mne.create_info(
ch_names=["10 Hz sine", "5 Hz cosine"], ch_types=["misc"] * 2, sfreq=sampling_freq
simulated_raw =, info)
simulated_raw.plot(show_scrollbars=False, show_scalebars=False)
data = np.array(
[0.2 * sine, 1.0 * cosine],
[0.4 * sine, 0.8 * cosine],
[0.6 * sine, 0.6 * cosine],
[0.8 * sine, 0.4 * cosine],
[1.0 * sine, 0.2 * cosine],
simulated_epochs = mne.EpochsArray(data, info)
simulated_epochs.plot(picks="misc", show_scrollbars=False, events=True)
def example_mne_evoked_plot_topomap():
Example of Topography visualization using MNE library
.. image:: _static/images/topography_mne_example.png
from mne.datasets import sample
from mne import read_evokeds
# print(__doc__)
path = sample.data_path()
fname = path / "MEG" / "sample" / "sample_audvis-ave.fif"
# load evoked corresponding to a specific condition
# from the fif file and subtract baseline
condition = "Left Auditory"
evoked = read_evokeds(fname, condition=condition, baseline=(None, 0))
times = np.arange(0.05, 0.151, 0.02)
evoked.plot_topomap(times, ch_type="mag")
# # Charger les données CSD V1
# csd_data = loadmat('v1_laminar.mat', squeeze_me=True)
# csd = csd_data['csd']
# timevec = csd_data['timevec']
# # Tracer l'ERP du canal 7
# plt.figure()
# plt.plot(timevec, np.mean(csd[6, :, :], axis=0))
# plt.axhline(0, color='k', linestyle='--')
# plt.axvline(0, color='k', linestyle='--')
# plt.axvline(0.5, color='k', linestyle='--')
# plt.xlabel('Temps (s)')
# plt.ylabel('Activité (\muV)')
# plt.xlim([-0.1, 1.4])
# # Tracer l'image de profondeur par temps de l'ERP
# plt.figure()
# plt.contourf(timevec, np.arange(1, 17), np.mean(csd, axis=2), 40, cmap='viridis', alpha=0.7)
# plt.xlabel('Temps (sec.)')
# plt.ylabel('Profondeur corticale')
# plt.xlim([0, 1.3])
# plt.colorbar()
if __name__ == "__main__":