Source code for Convolution.plank_taper

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
import as sio
import os
import sys

[docs]def plank_taper_example(): """ **create a plank taper kernel as passband filter** .. image:: _static/images/convolution/plank_taper.png .. image:: _static/images/convolution/fsingal_plank.png .. image:: _static/images/convolution/plank_frequency_response.png """ ######## create signal ######## srate = 1000 # Hz time = np.arange(0,3,1/srate) n = len(time) p = 15 # poles for random interpolation # noise level, measured in standard deviations noiseamp = 5 # amplitude modulator and noise level ampl = np.interp(np.linspace(0,p,n),np.arange(0,p),np.random.rand(p)*30) noise = noiseamp * np.random.randn(n) signal1= ampl + noise # subtract mean to eliminate DC signal1 = signal1 - np.mean(signal1) ######## create Planck spectral shape ######## # frequencies hz = np.linspace(0,srate,n) # edge decay, must be between 0 and .5 eta = .15 # spectral parameters fwhm = 13 peakf = 20 # convert fwhm to indices mp = np.round( 2*fwhm*n/srate ) # in MATLAB this is np, but np=numpy pt = np.arange(1,mp+1) # find center point index fidx = np.argmin( (hz-peakf)**2 ) # define left and right exponentials Zl = eta*(mp-1) * ( 1/pt + 1/(pt-eta*(mp-1)) ) Zr = eta*(mp-1) * ( 1/(mp-1-pt) + 1/( (1-eta)*(mp-1)-pt ) ) # create the taper offset = mp%2 bounds = [ np.floor(eta*(mp-1))-offset , np.ceil((1-eta)*(mp-(1-offset))) ] plancktaper = np.concatenate( (1/(np.exp(Zl[range(0,int(bounds[0]))])+1) ,np.ones(int(np.diff(bounds)+1)), 1/(np.exp(Zr[range(int(bounds[1]),len(Zr)-1)])+1)) ,axis=0) # put the taper inside zeros px = np.zeros( len(hz) ) pidx = range( int(np.max((0,fidx-np.floor(mp/2)+1))) , int(fidx+np.floor(mp/2)-mp%2+1) ) px[np.round(pidx)] = plancktaper ######## convolution ######## # FFTs dataX = scipy.fftpack.fft(signal1) # IFFT convres = 2*np.real( scipy.fftpack.ifft( dataX*px )) # frequencies vector hz = np.linspace(0,srate,n) ######## plot ######## ### time-domain plots plt.figure() plt.plot(time,signal1,'r',label='Signal') plt.plot(time,convres,'k',label='Smoothed') plt.xlabel('Time (s)'), plt.ylabel('amp. (a.u.)') plt.legend() plt.title('Narrowband filter') ### frequency-domain plot plt.figure() plt.plot(hz,px,'k') plt.xlim([0,peakf*2]) plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Gain') plt.title('Frequency-domain Planck taper') # raw and filtered data spectra plt.figure() plt.plot(hz,np.abs(dataX)**2,'rs-',label='Signal') plt.plot(hz,np.abs(dataX*px)**2,'bo-',label='Conv. result') plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'), plt.ylabel('Power (a.u.)') plt.legend() plt.title('Frequency domain') plt.xlim([0,peakf*2]) plt.ylim([0,1e6])
if __name__ == "__main__": plank_taper_example()