Source code for Filtering.FIR

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
import scipy
import copy

####################  FIR  ##########################

[docs]def FIR_filter_example(): """ Example of FIR filter for a narrowband filter **1. Creation of the filter kernel using FIR funtion** - Creation of the input of the FIR function .. image:: _static/images/filtering/FIR_input.png - Output of the FIR function is the kernel .. image:: _static/images/filtering/FIR_kernel.png **2. Analysis of the frequency response** - Analysis of the frequency response in comparison of the ideal response .. image:: _static/images/filtering/FIR_frequency_response.png - In dB (it allows to see more details) .. image:: _static/images/filtering/FIR_frequency_response_log.png """ # filter parameters srate = 1024 # hz nyquist = srate/2 frange = [20,45] transw = .1 order = int( 5*srate/frange[0] ) # order must be odd if order%2==0: order += 1 # define filter shape shape = [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ] frex = [ 0, frange[0]-frange[0]*transw, frange[0], frange[1], frange[1]+frange[1]*transw, nyquist ] # filter kernel filtkern = signal.firls(order,frex,shape,fs=srate) plt.figure() plt.title('Shape input for of FIR ') plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Filter gain') plt.plot(shape) # time-domain filter kernel plt.figure() plt.plot(filtkern) plt.xlabel('Time points') plt.title('Filter kernel (firls)') # compute the power spectrum of the filter kernel filtpow = np.abs(scipy.fftpack.fft(filtkern))**2 # compute the frequencies vector and remove negative frequencies hz = np.linspace(0,srate/2,int(np.floor(len(filtkern)/2)+1)) filtpow = filtpow[0:len(hz)] # plot amplitude spectrum of the filter kernel plt.figure() plt.plot(hz,filtpow,'ks-',label='Actual') plt.plot(frex,shape,'ro-',label='Ideal') plt.xlim([0,frange[0]*4]) plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Filter gain') plt.legend() plt.title('Frequency response of filter (firls)') # Same as above but logarithmically scaled plt.figure() plt.plot(hz,10*np.log10(filtpow),'ks-',label='Actual') # plt.plot([frange[0],frange[0]],[-40,5],'ro-',label='Ideal') plt.xlim([0,frange[0]*4]) plt.ylim([-40,5]) plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Filter gain (log)') plt.legend() plt.title('Frequency response of filter (firls)')
#%% #################### FIR win ##########################
[docs]def FIRwin_eample(): # filter parameters srate = 1024 # hz nyquist = srate/2 frange = [20,45] transw = .1 order = int( 5*srate/frange[0] ) # force odd order if order%2==0: order += 1 ### --- NOTE: Python's firwin corresponds to MATLAB's fir1 --- ### # filter kernel filtkern = signal.firwin(order,frange,fs=srate,pass_zero=False) plt.figure() plt.title('Shape input for of FIRwin ') plt.plot(shape) # time-domain filter kernel plt.figure() plt.plot(filtkern) plt.xlabel('Time points') plt.title('Filter kernel (firwin)') # compute the power spectrum of the filter kernel filtpow = np.abs(scipy.fftpack.fft(filtkern))**2 # compute the frequencies vector and remove negative frequencies hz = np.linspace(0,srate/2,int(np.floor(len(filtkern)/2)+1)) filtpow = filtpow[0:len(hz)] # plot amplitude spectrum of the filter kernel plt.figure() plt.plot(hz,filtpow,'ks-',label='Actual') plt.plot([0,frange[0],frange[0],frange[1],frange[1],nyquist],[0,0,1,1,0,0],'ro-',label='Ideal') plt.xlim([0,frange[0]*4]) plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Filter gain') plt.legend() plt.title('Frequency response of filter (firwin)') # Same as above but logarithmically scaled plt.figure() plt.plot(hz,10*np.log10(filtpow),'ks-',label='Actual') # plt.plot([frange[0],frange[0]],[-100,5],'ro-',label='Ideal') plt.xlim([0,frange[0]*4]) plt.ylim([-80,5]) plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Filter gain') plt.legend() plt.title('Frequency response of filter (firwin)') plt.print('end')
if __name__ == "__main__": FIR_filter_example() # FIRwin_filter_example()