Source code for Filtering.WindowedSinc_filter

import numpy as np
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as sio
import os
from scipy import signal
import scipy

# def sinc_window(x: np.ndarray, fc:int):
#     return np.sinc(2 * fc * x)

# def inverted_sinc_window(x, fc):
#     return 1 - np.sinc(2 * fc * x)

# def sinc_passband(x, fc_low, fc_high):
#     return np.sinc(2 * fc_high * x) - np.sinc(2 * fc_low * x)

[docs]def sinc_filter_example(): r""" .. math:: \text{sinc}(t) = \frac{\sin(2 \pi f_c t)}{t} with .. math:: f_c : \text{cut-off frequency}, t : \text{timestamps} .. image:: _static/images/filtering/Sinc_kernel_and_frequency_response.png """ # simulation params srate = 1000 time = np.arange(-4,4,1/srate) pnts = len(time) hz = np.linspace(0,srate/2,int(np.floor(pnts/2)+1)) # create sinc function f = 5 sincfilt = np.sin(2*np.pi*f*time) / time # adjust NaN and normalize filter to unit-gain sincfilt[~np.isfinite(sincfilt)] = np.max(sincfilt) sincfilt = sincfilt/np.sum(sincfilt) # plot the sinc filter plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(time,sincfilt,'k', label="sync") plt.ylabel('Power') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.title('sinc kernel') # plot the power spectrum plt.subplot(122) plt.title('sinc frequency response') pw = np.abs(scipy.fftpack.fft(sincfilt)) plt.plot(hz,pw[:len(hz)],'k', label="sync") plt.xlim([0,f*3]) plt.yscale('log') plt.plot([f,f],[0,1],'r--') plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Gain') plt.legend()
[docs]def sinc_window_filter_example(): """ The sinc filter can be improved by multipling a window with itself. Different window exist with different caracteristics: * Hann (hanning) * Hamming * Gaus .. image: _static/images/filtering/Sinc_different_window.png .. image: _static/images/filtering/sinc_kernel_with_different_window_zoomed.png .. image: _static/images/filtering/sinc_kernel_with_different_window.png .. image: _static/images/filtering/sincw_frequency_response.png """ ####### Window sinc filter ########## # simulation params srate = 1000 time = np.arange(-4,4,1/srate) pnts = len(time) hz = np.linspace(0,srate/2,int(np.floor(pnts/2)+1)) # create sinc function f = 5 sincfilt = np.sin(2*np.pi*f*time) / time # adjust NaN and normalize filter to unit-gain sincfilt[~np.isfinite(sincfilt)] = np.max(sincfilt) sincfilt = sincfilt/np.sum(sincfilt) ## with different windowing functions sincfiltW = np.zeros((4,pnts)) tapernames = ['no window','Hann','Hamming','Gauss'] sincfiltW[0,:]= sincfilt # with Hann taper # sincfiltW[0,:] = sincfilt * np.hanning(pnts) hannw = .5 - np.cos(2*np.pi*np.linspace(0,1,pnts))/2 sincfiltW[1,:] = sincfilt * hannw # with Hamming taper #sincfiltW[1,:] = sincfilt * np.hamming(pnts) hammingw = .54 - .46*np.cos(2*np.pi*np.linspace(0,1,pnts)) sincfiltW[2,:] = sincfilt * hammingw # with Gaussian taper sincfiltW[3,:] = sincfilt * np.exp(-time**2) #plot the windows plt.figure() plt.title("different window") plt.plot(time, hannw,label="hannw") plt.plot(time, hammingw,label="hammingw") plt.plot(time, np.exp(-time**2),label="gaus") plt.xlabel("Time (s)") plt.ylabel("Power") plt.legend() # plot the kernel and frequency response plt.figure() plt.title("Sinc kernel with different window") for filti in range(0,len(sincfiltW)): plt.plot(time,sincfiltW[filti,:], label=tapernames[filti]) plt.ylabel('Power') plt.xlabel("Time (s)") plt.legend() plt.figure() plt.title('Frequency response of window sinc') for filti in range(0,len(sincfiltW)): pw = np.abs(scipy.fftpack.fft(sincfiltW[filti,:])) plt.plot(hz,pw[:len(hz)],label=tapernames[filti]) plt.xlim([f-3,f+10]) plt.yscale('log') plt.plot([f,f],[0,1],'r--') plt.ylabel("Filter gain (dB)") plt.xlabel("Frequency (hz)") plt.legend()
[docs]def filter_data_with_sinc_window_filter_example(): """ **Example of the windowed sinc low pass filter on real signal:** .. image: _static/images/filtering/Sinc_signal_filtered.png .. image: _static/images/filtering/sincw_frequency_response_on_real_signal.png """ ## apply the filter to noise # simulation params srate = 1000 time = np.arange(-4,4,1/srate) pnts = len(time) hz = np.linspace(0,srate/2,int(np.floor(pnts/2)+1)) # create sinc function f = 5 sincfilt = np.sin(2*np.pi*f*time) / time # adjust NaN and normalize filter to unit-gain sincfilt[~np.isfinite(sincfilt)] = np.max(sincfilt) sincfilt = sincfilt/np.sum(sincfilt) # generate data as integrated noise data = np.cumsum( np.random.randn(pnts) ) # reflection datacat = np.concatenate( (data,data[::-1]) ,axis=0) # apply filter (zero-phase-shift) dataf = signal.lfilter(sincfilt,1,datacat) dataf = signal.lfilter(sincfilt,1,dataf[::-1]) # flip forwards and remove reflected points dataf = dataf[-1:pnts-1:-1] # compute spectra of original and filtered signals powOrig = np.abs(scipy.fftpack.fft(data)/pnts)**2 powFilt = np.abs(scipy.fftpack.fft(dataf)/pnts)**2 # plot plt.figure() plt.title('singal filtered') plt.plot(time,data,label='Original') plt.plot(time,dataf,label='Windowed-sinc filtred (hanning)') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Amplitude') plt.legend() # plot original and filtered spectra plt.figure() plt.title("Frequency response") plt.plot(hz,powOrig[:len(hz)],label='Original') plt.plot(hz,powFilt[:len(hz)],label='Windowed-sinc filtred') plt.xlim([0,40]) plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Power') plt.legend()
if __name__ == "__main__": # sinc_filter_example() # sinc_window_filter_example() filter_data_with_sinc_window_filter_example()