Source code for Time_series_denoising.Polynomial_detrending

import numpy as np
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def polynomial_detrending_with_bayes_criterion(signal: np.ndarray, order_min:int=2, order_max:int=25) -> np.ndarray: """polynomial detrending. Polynomial order defined based on bayes criterion Args: signal (np.ndarray): signal to be detrended order_min (int, optional): min order of the polynomial. Defaults to 2. order_max (int, optional): max order of the polynomial. Defaults to 25. Returns: np.ndarray: detrended signal """ n = len(signal) t = np.arange(0,n) orders = np.arange(order_min, order_max) epsilon_arr = np.zeros(len(orders)) for i, order in enumerate(orders): y = np.polyval(np.polyfit(t, signal, order), t) epsilon_arr[i] = sum( (y - signal)**2)/n # Bayes information criterion bic = n*np.log(epsilon_arr) + orders*np.log(n) best_order = orders[np.argmin(bic)] plt.figure() plt.title("bayes criterion") plt.plot(orders, bic, label="order") plt.scatter(best_order, bic[best_order], color='red', label="best order") plt.xlabel("order") plt.ylabel("bic") plt.legend() polynomial_coefs = np.polyfit(t, signal, best_order) y = np.polyval(polynomial_coefs, t) # plt.figure() # plt.plot(x_new, signal) # plt.plot(x_new, y) # plt.plot(x_new, signal - y) return signal - y
[docs]def polynomial_detrending_with_bayes_criterion_example(): """ **Find best polynomial order with Bayes information criterion ():** Bayes information criterion (bic): Give an information about how close the y and y_fit are. We search for the minimal distance (red point on the figure below) Formula: .. math:: bic =n \ln(\epsilon) + k \ln(n) .. math:: \epsilon = n^{-1} \sum^{n}_{i=1}(y_{fit, i} - y_i)^2\n with:\n k = polynomial order\n y = raw signal\n y_fit = predicted/fitted signal (=polynomial)\n n = y length\n .. image:: _static/images/TimeSeriesDenoising/bayes_information_criterion.png **Detrending:** detreding is basically :math:`y - y_{fit}`. .. image:: _static/images/TimeSeriesDenoising/polynomial_detrending.png """ #%% create a signal with slow drift and high frequency noises n = 10000 t = np.arange(0,n) k = 10 x = np.linspace(1,n,k) x_new = np.linspace(1,n,n) slow_drift = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, 100*np.random.rand(k), kind="cubic") signal = slow_drift(x_new) +20* np.random.rand(n) #%%find polynomial by giving the polynomial order polynomial_order = 5 polynomial_coefs = np.polyfit(t, signal, polynomial_order) y = np.polyval(polynomial_coefs, t) plt.figure() plt.title(f"detrending using fix polynomial order : {polynomial_order}") plt.plot(x_new, slow_drift(x_new), label="drift") plt.plot(x_new, signal, label="signal") plt.plot(x_new, y, label = "polynomial") plt.plot(x_new, signal-y, label = "detrended signal") plt.legend() detrended_sig = polynomial_detrending_with_bayes_criterion(signal, order_min=5, order_max=40) plt.figure() plt.title("detrending using bayes criterion") plt.plot(x_new, signal, label="signal") plt.plot(x_new, detrended_sig, label="detrended signal") plt.xlabel("Indexes") plt.ylabel("Signal") plt.legend()
[docs]def understand_polynomials_orders(): """ understand polynomial orders """ #%% Understand polynomials polynomial_order = 3 x = np.linspace(-15, 15, 100) y = np.zeros(len(x)) for order in range(0, polynomial_order): y += np.random.random()*x**order plt.figure() plt.plot(y)
if __name__ == "__main__": polynomial_detrending_with_bayes_criterion_example() print('stop')