import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import Tuple, Union, List
[docs]def topoplot_indie(Values: np.ndarray, chanlocs: List[dict], headrad: float = 0.5,
grid_scale: int = 67, circgrid: int = 201, headcolor: List[int] = [0, 0, 0],
hlinewidth: float = 1.7, blankingringwidth: float = 0.035, headringwidth: float = 0.007,
plotrad: float = 0.6, shading: str = 'interp', contournum: int = 6, electrodes: str = 'on') -> Tuple[plt.Axes, List[int], np.ndarray]:
Plot topographic map of independent values on scalp.
- Values (numpy.ndarray): Independent values for each electrode.
- chanlocs (List[dict]): List of dictionaries containing channel locations.
- headrad (float): Actual head radius.
- grid_scale (int): Number of points in the grid for plotting.
- circgrid (int): Number of angles to use in drawing circles.
- headcolor (List[int]): RGB values for the default head color.
- hlinewidth (float): Default linewidth for head, nose, and ears.
- blankingringwidth (float): Width of the blanking ring.
- headringwidth (float): Width of the cartoon head ring.
- plotrad (float): Radius of the plotting circle.
- shading (str): Shading type ('flat' or 'interp').
- contournum (int): Number of contours in the plot.
- electrodes (str): Display mode for electrodes ('on', 'labels', 'numbers').
- handle (plt.Axes): Matplotlib Axes object.
- pltchans (List[int]): Indices of channels plotted.
- epos (numpy.ndarray): Electrode positions.
# Set defaults
GRID_SCALE = grid_scale
CIRCGRID = circgrid
HEADCOLOR = headcolor
HLINEWIDTH = hlinewidth
BLANKINGRINGWIDTH = blankingringwidth
HEADRINGWIDTH = headringwidth
plotrad = plotrad
Values = Values.astype(float)
if shading not in ['flat', 'interp']:
raise ValueError('Invalid shading parameter')
Values = Values.flatten() # make Values a column vector
# Read channel location
labels = [chan['labels'] for chan in chanlocs]
Th = [chan['theta'] for chan in chanlocs]
Rd = [chan['radius'] for chan in chanlocs]
Th = np.deg2rad(Th) # convert degrees to radians
allchansind = list(range(len(Th)))
plotchans = list(range(len(chanlocs)))
# Remove infinite and NaN values
inds = np.union1d(np.where(np.isnan(Values))[0], np.where(np.isinf(Values))[0]) # NaN and Inf values
for chani, chanloc in enumerate(chanlocs):
if not chanloc['X']:
inds = np.append(inds, chani)
plotchans = np.setdiff1d(plotchans, inds)
x, y = np.pol2cart(Th, Rd) # transform electrode locations from polar to cartesian coordinates
plotchans = np.abs(plotchans) # reverse indicated channel polarities
allchansind = np.array(allchansind)[plotchans]
Th = np.array(Th)[plotchans]
Rd = np.array(Rd)[plotchans]
x = np.array(x)[plotchans]
y = np.array(y)[plotchans]
labels = np.array(labels)[plotchans] # remove labels for electrodes without locations
Values = Values[plotchans]
intrad = min(1.0, max(Rd) * 1.02) # default: just outside the outermost electrode location
# Find plotting channels
pltchans = np.where(Rd <= plotrad)[0] # plot channels inside plotting circle
intchans = np.where((x <= intrad) & (y <= intrad))[0] # interpolate and plot channels inside interpolation square
# Eliminate channels not plotted
allx, ally = x, y
allchansind = allchansind[pltchans]
intTh = Th[intchans] # eliminate channels outside the interpolation area
intRd = Rd[intchans]
intx = x[intchans]
inty = y[intchans]
Th = Th[pltchans] # eliminate channels outside the plotting area
Rd = Rd[pltchans]
x = x[pltchans]
y = y[pltchans]
intValues = Values[intchans]
Values = Values[pltchans]
labels = labels.astype(str)
# Squeeze channel locations to <= headrad
squeezefac = headrad / plotrad
intRd = intRd * squeezefac # squeeze electrode arc_lengths towards the vertex
Rd = Rd * squeezefac # squeeze electrode arc_lengths towards the vertex
intx = intx * squeezefac
inty = inty * squeezefac
x = x * squeezefac
y = y * squeezefac
allx = allx * squeezefac
ally = ally * squeezefac
# Create grid
xmin, xmax = min(-headrad, min(intx)), max(headrad, max(intx))
ymin, ymax = min(-headrad, min(inty)), max(headrad, max(inty))
xi = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, GRID_SCALE) # x-axis description (row vector)
yi = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, GRID_SCALE) # y-axis description (row vector)
Xi, Yi, Zi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi, 0)
interp_values = np.interp(xi, inty, intValues) # interpolate data
for i in range(GRID_SCALE):
Zi[i, :, :] = interp_values
# Mask out data outside the head
mask = np.sqrt(Xi**2 + Yi**2) <= headrad # mask outside the plotting circle
Zi[~mask] = np.nan # mask non-plotting voxels with NaNs
grid = plotrad # unless 'noplot', then 3rd output arg is plotrad
delta = xi[1] - xi[0] # length of grid entry
# Scale the axes and make the plot
plt.clf() # clear current axis
ax = plt.gca() # uses current axes
AXHEADFAC = 1.05 # do not leave room for external ears if head cartoon
ax.set_xlim([-headrad * AXHEADFAC, headrad * AXHEADFAC])
ax.set_ylim([-headrad * AXHEADFAC, headrad * AXHEADFAC])
unsh = (GRID_SCALE + 1) / GRID_SCALE # un-shrink the effects of 'interp' SHADING
if shading == 'interp':
handle = ax.pcolormesh(Xi * unsh, Yi * unsh, Zi[0, :, :], shading=shading, edgecolor='none', cmap='viridis')
handle = ax.pcolormesh(Xi - delta / 2, Yi - delta / 2, Zi[0, :, :], shading=shading, edgecolor='none', cmap='viridis')
ax.contour(Xi, Yi, Zi[0, :, :], CONTOURNUM, colors='k', linewidths=0.5, hittest=False)
# Plot filled ring to mask jagged grid boundary
hwidth = HEADRINGWIDTH # width of head ring
hin = squeezefac * headrad * (1 - hwidth / 2) # inner head ring radius
if shading == 'interp':
rwidth = BLANKINGRINGWIDTH * 1.3 # width of blanking outer ring
rwidth = BLANKINGRINGWIDTH # width of blanking outer ring
rin = headrad * (1 - rwidth / 2) # inner ring radius
if hin > rin:
rin = hin # don't blank inside the head ring
circ = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, CIRCGRID)
rx, ry = np.sin(circ), np.cos(circ)
ringx = np.concatenate([rx * (rin + rwidth), rx * rin])
ringy = np.concatenate([ry * (rin + rwidth), ry * rin])
ringh = ax.fill(ringx, ringy, color='w', edgecolor='none', zorder=0.01) # plot the filled ring to mask jagged grid boundary
# Plot cartoon head, ears, nose
headx = np.concatenate([rx * (hin + hwidth), rx * hin])
heady = np.concatenate([ry * (hin + hwidth), ry * hin])
ax.fill(headx, heady, color=HEADCOLOR, edgecolor=HEADCOLOR, zorder=0.01) # plot the filled cartoon head
# Plot ears and nose
base = headrad - 0.0046
basex = 0.18 * headrad # nose width
tip = 1.15 * headrad
tiphw = 0.04 * headrad # nose tip half width
tipr = 0.01 * headrad # nose tip rounding
q = 0.04 # ear lengthening
earx = [0.497 - 0.005, 0.510, 0.518, 0.5299, 0.5419, 0.54, 0.547, 0.532, 0.510, 0.489 - 0.005] # headrad = 0.5
eary = [q + 0.0555, q + 0.0775, q + 0.0783, q + 0.0746, q + 0.0555, -0.0055, -0.0932, -0.1313, -0.1384, -0.1199]
sf = headrad / plotrad # squeeze the model ears and nose by this factor
earx = np.array(earx) * sf
eary = np.array(eary) * sf
ax.plot(earx, eary, 'k-', linewidth=HLINEWIDTH, zorder=0.01) # plot left ear
ax.plot(-earx, eary, 'k-', linewidth=HLINEWIDTH, zorder=0.01) # plot right ear
# Mark electrode locations
if electrodes == 'on': # plot electrodes as spots
ax.plot(y, x, 'ko', markersize=5, linewidth=0.5, zorder=0.01)
elif electrodes == 'labels': # print electrode names (labels)
for i, label in enumerate(labels):
ax.text(float(y[i]), float(x[i]), label, ha='center', va='middle', color='k', zorder=0.01)
elif electrodes == 'numbers':
for i, chanind in enumerate(allchansind):
ax.text(float(y[i]), float(x[i]), str(chanind), ha='center', va='middle', color='k', zorder=0.01)
epos = np.array([x, y])
return ax, allchansind, epos
# Example usage:
# topoplot_indie(Values, chanlocs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import loadmat
# (Assuming the topoplot_indie function is available here)
# Load sample EEG data
mat_data = loadmat(r'src\time_series_noise_simulation\sampleEEGdata.mat')
# Explore the data
EEG = mat_data['EEG']
# Plot ERPs
erp = np.mean(EEG['data'], axis=2)
# Pick a channel and plot ERP
chan2plot = 'fcz'
chan_idx = np.where(np.array(EEG['chanlocs']['labels']) == chan2plot)[0][0]
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.plot(EEG['times'][0], erp[chan_idx, :], linewidth=2)
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude (uV)')
plt.title(f'ERP for Channel {chan2plot}')
# Plot topographical maps
time2plot = 300 # in ms
# Convert time in ms to time in indices
tidx = np.argmin(np.abs(EEG['times'][0] - time2plot))
# Get the values for the topoplot from the ERP
values_for_topoplot = erp[:, tidx]
# Plot topographical map
ax, pltchans, epos = topoplot_indie(values_for_topoplot, EEG['chanlocs'][0])
# Additional customization for the topoplot
ax.set_title(f'Topographical Map at {time2plot} ms')